Well before we kick start, sorry I delayed in getting back to the forum, How is everybody and the design course work? Men, it is in a class of its own. Wow, man is always working.
Well forget it, lets get back to the substantial issue,
Yes, the question was...... Old technology is still good technology for some.............?
It reminded me of my lecturer in heat and electricity as forms of energy. You won't believe it, but he insisted that, even though we had electronic calculators on us, all our computations be done manually. Well, that's by the way.
But what challenge does a case like this provides us. Is it possible to still make progress with technology, or simply to remain stack in the past with boses who still prefer the old 'techs'?. My asnswer to the later is a definite no, we will not remain in the past but make progress into the present and move into the future still 'current'.
What comes to mind is deligence in planning our instructions. Morrison et all; in their book Designing effective instruction noted that, to meet the needs of the client, one need to do serious leaner and context analysis. By doing this, the designer will know about the audience that might influence the design of material as well as the characteristic of the learners.
Regarding the learners, the designer must consider the general characteristics (gender, age, work, experience, education and ethnicity), specific charateristic (pre-requisite skills, attitudes, what they might want to gain from the course as in benefits) and learning styles of the learner(does he learn as an individual or in a group etc).
These if done correctly with a good survey of available material and equipment, planning, designing and delivery of instruction should definitely be tilted to a 90+ per cent success.
But what happen to my old director, we leave his tools intact for him and daily try to pursue him to use the new tecnologies as I currently do with him.
Well see you soon, I promise to be more regular this time. Cheeriooo.......
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